Bart Lodewijks Library

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Bart Lodewijks - Calcutta Drawings
CARF*, India, September-December 2018

25th of September 2018: ‘Hi Roger, All is going well here in Calcutta, though I seriously have to get used to the crowds. On the day I arrived, I immediately started drawing (see photos). Meanwhile it’s already the fourth day, raining, so a lot of walking and visiting some temples inside. It is a very intense city with many hidden treasures to my mind. I want to keep a blog with weekly pictures and short texts (Eng/NL) but I do not know the best way to handle this. Lucy is the final editor and Nina the translator. Could you help me with setting up a blog or are you not able to do that? I could possibly also ask Huig, but I’m asking you first.’

‘Hey Bart, Beautiful start! Maybe we can turn it into a series of Roma-ebooks?’


Calcutta Drawings 1 English Calcutta Drawings 2 English Calcutta Drawings 3 English Calcutta Drawings 4 English Calcutta Drawings 5 English Calcutta Drawings 6 English Calcutta Drawings 7 English

This series is completed, but if you want to stay updated about future projects by Bart Lodewijks, you can still subscribe here:

*CARF stands for Calcutta Art Research Foundation, the name of the organization that invited Bart Lodewijks for an artist residency in India from early September through mid-December 2018. It is one of twenty foreign residency programmes supported by the Dutch Mondriaan Fund.